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This website uses Matomo

speos uses Matomo Analytics to analyze how users use our website.

Although Matomo Analytics is a web analytics software for the purpose of tracking user activity on your website, we take privacy very seriously. Matomo is configured to not process PII (personally identifiable information). As a result, we are GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, LGPD and PECR compliant.

We can only identify you via your email address and we can only adhere to your request and provide information if we have Personal Data about you through you having made contact with us directly and/or you using our site and/or service. We cannot provide, rectify or delete any data that we store on behalf of our users or customers.

Matomo Cloud

Matomo uses a select number of trusted external service providers for certain technical data processing and/or service offerings. These service providers are carefully selected and meet high data protection and security standards. Matomo only shares information with them that is required for the services offered and Matomo contractually binds them to keep any information they share with them as confidential and to process Personal Data only according to their instructions.

While 100% of your data and backups are securely stored in Europe, Matomo is based in New Zealand and has contracts with a New Zealand hoster (AC3 NZ in contract with AWS New Zealand). New Zealand is one of the few countries that the EU considers to have an adequate level of data protection. This provides legal certainty for Article 44 GDPR that the data does not go to a third country like the US even though Matomo is using AWS. Because no personal data is transferred to third countries, no SCC’s are needed.

This means that Matomo Cloud is safe to use in the EU and fully GDPR-compliant.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your information, please contact privacy@matomo.org.


Last update: November 2022.